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Control Rug and Density of Histogram Plot in Python

In this article, I will explain you how to control rug and density of histogram plot using Python in four different ways.

Let’s understand each method with an example

To plot histogram in python use displot() function of seaborn library and control rug and density appearance using rug and kde parameters

Installation of Packages

We will need seaborn packages to load dataset and plot histogram If you don’t have these packages installed on your system, install it using below commands.

pip install seaborn

How to Plot Histogram without Rug

Let’s see an example to plot histogram plot in python with rug set to false.

Installation of Packages

We will need seaborn packages to show histogram. Install package using below command.

pip install seaborn

Import libraries

Import seaborn library in our python histogram code.

# Import library

import seaborn as sns

Prepare dataset

Seaborn library has inbuilt datasets. We will use tips dataset to visualize histogram

  • Load tips dataset using load_dataset() function of seaborn library
# Load the tips dataset
df = sns.load_dataset('tips')

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Plot Histogram using jointplot()

Use sns.displot() function of seaborn module to draw histogram

  • The first argument defines data for histogram from tips dataset
  • The second argument defines kind as hist
  • The third argument defines kde set as false
  • The fourth argument defines rug set as False
# Plot Histogram plot
sns.displot(data= df["total_bill"],kind="hist",kde=False, rug=False )

Histogram Chart Python Code

Use below entire histogram python code using seaborn library

# Import library and dataset
import seaborn as sns
df = sns.load_dataset('tips')

# Plot Histogram
sns.displot(data= df["total_bill"],kind="hist",kde=False, rug=False )

Histogram Python Visualization Output

Histogram Plot in Python with Rug=False
Histogram Plot in Python with Rug=False

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Histogram Plot with Rug and Kernel Density

Let’s see an example to plot histogram with rug and kernel density in Python

Installation of Packages

We will need seaborn package to load dataset and plot histogram. Install package using below command.

pip install matplotlib

Import libraries

Import seaborn library in our python histogram code.

# Import library
import seaborn as sns

Prepare dataset

Seaborn library has inbuilt datasets. We will use tips dataset to visualize histogram

  • Load tips dataset using load_dataset() function of seaborn library in variable df
# Load the tips dataset
df = sns.load_dataset('tips')

Plot Histogram with Rug and Density

  • Use displot() function to plot histogram
  • The first argument defines data for histogram from seaborn library tips dataset
  • The second argument defines kind set as hist
  • The third argument defines kde set as True
  • The fourth argument defines rug set as True
  • Appearance of rug and kernel density in histogram can be set using True or False
# Histogram + Rug + kernel density

sns.displot(data= df["total_bill"],kind="hist",kde=True, rug=True )

Histogram with rug and kernel density Python Code

Use below entire histogram python code using seaborn library

# Import library and dataset
import seaborn as sns
df = sns.load_dataset('tips')

# Histogram + Rug + kernel density

sns.displot(data= df["total_bill"],kind="hist",kde=True, rug=True )

Python Histogram Plot with Rug and Kernel Density Visualization Output

Histogram with rug and kernel density - Python
Histogram with rug and kernel density – Python

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Plot Python Histogram with Customized Density

Let’s see an example to plot histogram with kernel density customization in python.

Installation of Packages

We will need seaborn package to load tips dataset and plot histogram. Install package using below command.

pip install seaborn

Import libraries

Import seaborn library in our python histogram code.

# Import library
import seaborn as sns

Prepare dataset

Seaborn library has inbuilt datasets. We will use tips dataset to visualize histogram

  • Load tips dataset using load_dataset() function of seaborn library
# Load the tips dataset
df = sns.load_dataset('tips')

Plot Histogram using histplot()

Use sns.distplot() function of seaborn module to draw histogram.

  • The first argument defines dataset for histogram
  • The second argument defines kernel density (kde) set as True
  • The third argument defines parameters for density distribution as color = green, line width , transparency set as 0.3
# To change parameters of density distribution
sns.distplot( a=df["total_bill"],kde=True,kde_kws={"color": "g", "alpha":0.3, "linewidth": 5, "shade":True })

Python Histogram with Kernel Density Code

Use below entire python histogram code using seaborn library

# Import library and dataset
import seaborn as sns

df = sns.load_dataset('tips')

# To change parameters of density distribution
sns.distplot( a=df["total_bill"],kde=True,kde_kws={"color": "g", "alpha":0.3, "linewidth": 5, "shade":True })

Python Histogram with kernel density Visualization Output

Histogram with kernel density - Python
Histogram with kernel density – Python

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Plot Python Histogram with Rug Control

Let’s see an example to plot histogram with rug customization in python.

Installation of Packages

We will need seaborn package to load tips dataset and plot histogram. Install package using below command.

pip install seaborn

Import libraries

Import seaborn library in our python histogram code.

# Import library
import seaborn as sns

Prepare dataset

Seaborn library has inbuilt datasets. We will use tips dataset to visualize histogram

  • Load tips dataset using load_dataset() function of seaborn library
# Load the tips dataset
df = sns.load_dataset('tips')

Plot Histogram using histplot()

Use sns.distplot() function of seaborn module to draw histogram.

  • The first argument defines dataset for histogram
  • The second argument defines rug set as True
  • The third argument defines parameters for rug as color = re, line width , transparency set as 0.3
# To change parameters of rug
sns.distplot( df["total_bill"], rug=True,rug_kws={"color": "r", "alpha":0.3, "linewidth": 2, "height":0.2 })

Python Histogram with rug customization Code

Use below entire python histogram code using seaborn library

# Import library and dataset
import seaborn as sns

df = sns.load_dataset('tips')
# To change parameters of rug
sns.distplot( df["total_bill"], rug=True,rug_kws={"color": "r", "alpha":0.3, "linewidth": 2, "height":0.2 })

Python Histogram with rug Visualization Output

Histogram in Python with rug customization
Histogram in Python with rug customization


I hope you found above article on histogram with rug and density customization in python program using seaborn package informative and educational.

Use sns.displot() function of seaborn module to create histogram in python program and rug and kde parameter to control appearance of rug and density